home/floor plan
The sold Sprinter floor plan worked very well so Transit layout is the same with a few minor changes. Same sink location but with a larger sink countertop. Removed the electrical controls that were above the microwave in the Sprinter and moved both microwave and refrigerator up higher in cabinet to increase storage space below the refrigerator. Had to reduce the shower cabinet opening width from Sprinter 32" to Transit 29" because Transit 8D house battery had to be located in front of the driver side rear wheel well instead of behind it as in the Sprinter build. Moved the removable table forward to allow a bike to be stored inside across the van between the table and back doors without folding the bike. Other than those changes the layout remained the same.
Transit is the 147.6" wheelbase not extended. Would be nice to provide more room inside for the conversion with the extended but did not want to lose the easier parking of the not extended.
The bed location drives the other cabinet locations. Because I did not want an extended van the 54" wide bed had to be located across the van at the back. The van needed to be able to haul cargo so the bed platform needed to be easily removable. Bed platform consists of four 27" wide x 31 7/8" long panels that fold up and can be stored in vertical position against the van walls. The panels fold down and sit on top of the table that is between the two bench seats to create the bed platform. Table is easily removed by removing 4 bolts at the floor. One major change was the bed length between the van walls. In Sprinter the window indents were filled with insulation which gave a 70" bed length. With 5'-10" height I had to sleep slightly diagonal which I did not think would be a problem. It was. Did not completely fill the Transit window indents with insulation which increased bed length to 73 1/2". The other change was to hinge the panels instead of having 4 removable panels as I had done in the Sprinter build. The bed platform is split in half to allow front half to be stored against the walls to expose the front half of the table and bench seats to provide a table with seating for two people. During the day the front half of the bedding is lifted up and placed on the back half bedding.
There are two 67 1/2" long bench seats over the rear wheel wells. The space inside the driver side seat has the 12 volt DC electrical system and the single 8D battery. The space under the passenger side bench seat is filled with a 23 gallon SS fresh water tank. On passenger side there is also a 750 watt electric air heater between tank and seat front. At back end of both bench seats there is storage space under the seats accessed by opening the rear doors.
At the back there are upper cabinets on both sides of the van. These cabinets have baskets so doors were not required. Easier access, less weight, less cost are the result and no doors eliminated having to open doors for access. There is a 1" lip at front bottom of cabinet to keep baskets from falling out. The cabinet dimensions were selected so I could sit up in bed without hitting my head on the bottom of the cabinet. Do not have a storage cabinet between the upper cabinets above the rear doors. Wanted to retain full height access through the doors.
The sink is located at the slider door for a couple of reasons. Like to be able to look out the open slider door when at the sink. When cooking on the sink top with door open, the steam and smells go up and out the open door. There are two tables off the sink cabinet. One 24" x 24" table folds down to make a table out the open slider door. The second table folds up to create a table for the swiveled van passenger seat. Bought larger two burner propane stove to obtain 17,000 btu burners instead of the normal 10,000 btu burners. Larger stove stores in a open slot at the base of the sink cabinet. The counter top was extended 3 1/2" into the slider door opening to create a larger countertop.
The refrigerator and shower share one floor to ceiling cabinet. On refrigerator end of cabinet there is storage at the bottom with a door, the refrigerator in the middle and the microwave at the top. Wanted to be able to see inside the refrigerator when standing. Refrigerator cabinet opening is 3" wider that the refrigerator to allow additional rigid insulation around the refrigerator.
The shower end of the cabinet is between the refrigerator and the back of the driver seat. Wanted an indoor shower but did not want to waste the space. Shower enclosure is used for multiple purposes. Normal configeration has the shower pan and shower water tank at the bottom. The portapotti attaches to the top of the shower water tank to bring portapotti up to the correct height. There is a pivoting and removable lower shelf just above the portapotti. Two storage boxes sit on the lower shelf. There is a upper pivoting removable shelf just above the storage boxes at sink counter top height. The upper shelf about doubles the available counter space. At the top there are three removable towel rods. To use the portapotti the two boxes are removed and the two shelves are pivoted up against the back wall of the shower enclosure. To use the enclosure as a shower the three towel rods are removed, the upper shelf is removed, the two boxes are removed and the lower shelf is removed. The portapotti and shower water tank remain in place while showering.
The aisle width is 25" wide which is wide enough for two people to pass each other.
Module Layout Drawing # ODJ127-15
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